smiling woman wearing academic dress and black academic hat
The Robert Hermans Harbortown Rotary Scholarship Deadline is Wednesday, March 1st!
The Robert Hermans Harbortown Rotary Scholarship awards $2,000 each year to area students who are candidates for admission to any fully accredited degree granting college or university. Last year a total of six scholarships were awarded on the basis of character, demonstrated community involvement, leadership and academic ability. Financial need is not a requirement.
Students must submit the application form, (available in the school guidance offices or on the homepage of our Harbortown website) two references and a copy of their transcript through their first semester of their senior year. The transcript must include standardized test scores. The form is a fillable PDF, so just complete, save and either provide to your counselor with all required documents OR you can email the packet to either Scott Fisher at or Juhl Halvorson The deadline is Wednesday, March 1st!