Rotary Magazine published a series of conversations with 37 leaders in a variety of fields over a period of 12 years. The full conversations were published in the magazine during that time and produced a summary of the conversations in December 2021. President Mary ends each of Harbortown's regular meetings with a quote from someone involved in those conversations.
The quote from Mary's last meeting as President on June 28th was on empathy from Alex Kotlowitz, Author of "There Are No Children Here: An American Summer."

"Empathy is central to who we are as human beings. I talk about it as the centripetal force of storytelling. It's also the centripetal force of community. It's what holds us together; it's what binds us. It's part of what we are as humans, but it takes some effort. It's not as if we're naturally inclined to think of ourselves as somebody else. It takes a leap of imagination."

Alex Kotlowitz | Penguin Random House

Keep remembering our theme for this past year - Imagine Rotary as we move into the new Rotary year and Create Hope in the World! 

It has been an incredible honor to serve as your President this year, and I thank all of you for letting me serve as your President this year. Thank you for your support and encouragement all year.  

Have a good week. Reach out to members that you haven't seen in a while. Let them know that you miss them and encourage them to join us in a morning meeting, service project, or social event. Be kind to yourself and to those around you.

Past President Mary