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Beyond the fires and floods, the heat and failed crops, climate change exacts another, less visible toll — on our mental health. From the trauma of experiencing a catastrophic storm to anxiety over an uncertain future, the psychological impact is measurable. The good news is that taking collective action can ease eco-anxiety. In this issue of Rotary magazine, we examine the ways Rotary members and others are doing just that.

Click here to read your digital copy of the May 2024 issue.

May is Mental Health Awareness Month in the U.S., and we are devoting much of this issue to the topic. Read about Rotary clubs in Colorado that stepped up when a hospital system declared an emergency on youth mental health. Learn how young people, on social media and on campus, are offering one another peer-to-peer support. And join us as we try forest bathing to see for ourselves how the practice taps into the therapeutic power of nature.

It's also Rotary Youth Service Month, and in our "Where are they now?" column, we introduce you to an immigration lawyer who says it was a Rotary Youth Leadership Awards camp that shaped her social conscience.