Help Rotary in Warsaw, Poland with Relief for Ukrainian Refugees
Skyline Rotary is working with two clubs in Warsaw, Poland to support Ukrainian refugees. Mark Leutgeb and Bob Sherman will be talking to the District Governor for his support. There are special disaster relief funds available for Ukraine from Rotary Foundation for each district under an expedited process. Harbortown's co-sponsorship of the application (due at end of April) would be greatly appreciated. Help Rotary in Warsaw, Poland with Relief for Ukrainian Refugees As you know, over 1.6 million refugees have fled to Poland from Ukraine after the war started by Russia began. Bob Sherman has connected with two Rotary clubs in Warsaw that are providing medical supplies and starting education efforts for children who cross the Poland/Ukraine border as refugees. $5,000 has been raised so far and more is needed. Warsaw Rotary, the oldest club in Warsaw, has sourced medical supplies in Germany (few such supplies are available in Poland due to the war). This club is shipping them via businesses owned by German and Polish Rotarians via truck to a hospital in Lviv, Ukraine. Warsaw Rotary is working with Rotary clubs in Germany and the UK and well as our club to raise funds to buy these supplies. Here is a link to the Warsaw club Facebook page: As of now, direct donations can only be made in euros to a Warsaw Rotary bank account. Until a US dollar account is set up, donations can be made by sending funds (checks only, please) to Bob Sherman who can send your donation in euros with others. Bob is at or 612.386.3354 (mobile and WhatsApp). Checks should be made out to him and designated for Warsaw Rotary Refugee Relief. If you are willing to give donations in euros, Bob can give you direct transfer information. Warsaw Club Fryderyk Chopin is organizing a program for children in Warsaw that will help educate kids of refugees. Many children are crossing the border alone as their parents have been killed or are in military service. This effort is new and will take more work to get going. If you are interested in being the Skyline Rotary contact person for this work, please let Bob know ASAP. He needs help and can’t manage both the work with Warsaw and the Chopin clubs. Donations are currently not tax deductible but are badly needed now. District 7630 DG Hugh Dawkins (Poland) and DGE Piotr Jankowski D-2231 are working with Rotary Foundation to secure disaster response funds for Warsaw clubs and others helping them. These grants will be on an expedited basis, not via the normal global grant process. D-5580 can also apply for up to $25,000 of these funds. Bob has more information and needs someone to help apply for this grant. When we have a grant number to which tax deductible donations can be made for our specific projects, Bob will let us all know. This is the largest refugee crisis in Europe since WWII. Our friends in Ukraine and Poland urgently need our help. Please do what you can: donate or help coordinate our club’s work with Bob. "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." ~ Martin Luther King Jr. |